Mix all the ingredients, except the olive oil and flour for frying, until smooth and everything is well combined.
Roll all the mixture into 1″ balls, give or take, and spread on an oiled baking sheet. Makes about 30 one inch meatballs.
Pop into a 400 degree Fahrenheit oven for about 15-20 minutes (depending on size), until lightly brown and done. Turn meatballs with a metal spatula half way through baking.
Broil for last 2-3 minutes to get them golden brown then remove from oven, let sit for a few minutes then transfer meatballs onto a serving dish.
Alternatively, you can also pan fry these for a few minutes on each side, or until done, in a little bit of olive oil, I think they are juicier when you pan fry but also have more calories! To pan fry, lightly dredge the meatball in flour before frying.